Purchase Lawn & Garden Tires in Xenia, OH
If you’ve been searching for lawn tires for your various outdoor needs, we’ve got you covered. We carry everything from wheelbarrow tires to tractor tires. The various lawn accessories tires we provide include lawn mower tires for sale, ATV tires, golf cart tires, lawn tractor tires, and much more. No matter what you’re searching for, we are sure you’ll find what you need at Pitt Stop Tire & Auto.
Replacing worn-out lawn mower tires when needed provides several benefits to your riding mower and lawn. You’ll enjoy a better ride, gain noticeable traction, and achieve a more consistent cut. If you’d like help choosing the best lawn mower tire, call us at (937) 352-6616.

Call Pitt Stop Tire & Auto

Tires 101
Lawn Tractor Buying Guide
Replacing a damaged or worn-out lawn tractor tire is easy and a lot easier than taking the tractor in to be serviced at the dealership or local repair shop. The first step is to find the right replacement tire. When shopping for new lawn tractor tires, there are four primary considerations: tire size, ply rating, the type of terrain and traction requirements, and course, the price.
3 Factors to Consider When Replacing a Lawn Tractor Tire:
Lawn Tractor Tires Sizing
Like any other tire, lawn tractor tires have a series of numbers molded onto the side that spell out specific details about the tire. There are two different sizing systems: a two-number system and a three-number system.
- Two-number Tire Sizing
- Three-number Tire Sizing
Lawn Tractor Tires Ply-rating
Lawn Tractors are very rarely over-loaded, but a tire with a higher carrying capacity is also more resistant to punctures because the casing of the tire is thicker and stronger. If your lawn tractor runs over rough terrain with lots of thorns, or you use the tractor for work other than mowing, consider replacing it with a “B/4-ply” rated tire instead of a “A/2-ply” rating. The number of plies is always stamped on the side of the tire. There are only two options, A/2-ply or B/4-ply in the common sizes for lawn tractors.
Traction Needs
There are three main classifications of tread pattern types for lawn tractors: mixed-use turf tires, knobby all-terrain tires, or ribbed tires:
- Turf Treads
- Knobby, all-terrain treads
- Ribbed treads
Is It Time To Replace Your Lawn Mower Tires?
First, lawn mower tires are often the most neglected tires out there. They don’t get the same love and attention as car and truck tires. Many folks can go decades without giving a second thought to their mower tires. Of course, that’s not a good idea – but how do you know when it’s time to get your mower some new shoes?
Five signs it’s time to replace your lawn mower tires:
- The sidewall of the tire is showing signs of dry rot
- The tire loses air pressure over relatively short periods
- Multiple cuts or chunks are missing from the tread
- Loss of traction going up/down hills
- Rough ride while mowing

Financing Options
Finance Your Next Set of Tires
We know buying new tires and/or wheels for your car or truck can be stressful on the wallet, so we’re here to help. As the leading tire shop in Xenia, OH, we’ve made sure we have payment plans that will fit anyone’s needs so you can get tires now and pay later. Whether your purchase is a surprise or expected, we'll take care of you.

Lawn & Garden Tire Questions & Answers
How will I know when to change my lawn mower tires?
- Worn down thread. Check the thread frequently and ensure they’re in the right state, thus minimizing time wastage when you’re mowing the lawn.
- Presence of dry rot problems. Inspect the tires regularly for dry rot and cracks in the rubber. Dry rot makes tires unreliable and can cause their blow out.
- Significant wobbling of the lawn mower. Even though mowers are designed to wobble slightly, if it becomes significant, then your lawn may look like a person with a bad haircut. You don’t want that, right! So, check the axle nut frequently and do the necessary adjustment then ensure there’s no tire deformation. In case of uneven tires, change them.
- Need to frequently fill the tire.This is an early indication that it has a hole because ideally, you shouldn’t be refilling mower’s tires every now and then. If your mower’s tire requires frequent refilling, you may need to change it or find the holes and patch them with a tire sealant.
How Can I Find What Tire I Have?
If all of this sounds overwhelming, it can come across like that, but it isn’t. All of this information can be found stamped on your current tires. It just comes down to knowing where it is and interpreting it. Worse comes to worst, Pitt Stop Tire & Auto can help you with this.
What types of lawn & garden tires do you carry?
Our array of lawn and garden tires are perfect for a variety of equipment. We carry:
- Tractor Tires
- Lawn Mower Tires
- Push Mower Tires
- Wheelbarrow Tires
- Handcart Tires
- And More!
(937) 352-6616